Saturday, October 23, 2010

hometown style x

the an réalt dearg , barrack street , is always a great gig's cosy and always boasts an unusual line when i stumbled upon monday night's cappricio society gig i wasn't surprised to come accross great music and my new favourite cork band - altered hour...   described as on their myspace as 'other/psychedelic/rock' the band are an ecclectic mix of velevet underground, sonic youth meets pixies and pj harvey...the guitar sounds, girl drummer and sultry vocals are what caught my ear and i'm hooked...add to this the style of altered hours lead singer and you've got a pretty snazzy package...

elaine says she gathers her outfits (totally depending on her mood) from various intage shops..this outfit is compiled of shoes from office and a shirt from a small shop in lahinch ( the name of which she 'can't remember for the life' of her) .. me? girl crush much ?check them out around the city and on on myspace and keep an ear out for their upcoming e.p... 

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