Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here's to the month...

they don't make songs like they used to...

september is my favourite time of the whole year.  it is transformative. ok, i'm a little bias because it's my birthday…but it is also because it is a rebirth. it is, at it's core, a time for change. our back-to-school inclinations kick in and we begin to think about what way we want to finish out the year. who do i want to be at the end of 2012? it's the final push to achieve all the things you promised you'd accomplish with none of the clichéd pressure and hostility that comes with the overbearing January 1st. it's a private, personal moment of thought; the quiet before the storm.

art in bloom: mark colle's floral & perspex 

september is as creative and artistic,  open minded and open hearted as you want it to be. for fashion magazines, september is the biggest and best, the most anticipated issue. september hosts the fashion weeks that reveal spring/summer collections. in dublin, theatre and music festivals spring into life. it's a month that sees the birth of hard labour for those in creative crafts, and a pure education for the audiences who see them. i always feel that for those who find theatre and music intimidating, september offers an easy introduction to both in the form of the absolut fringe dublin theatre festival and hard working class heroes. it is all inclusive, is september. learning something about oneself is the hardest and greatest part of any time.

september is the most change-full month i know, making it liable to throw up anything..and that's not always easy but it's certainly invigorating. it is self examining. and, just like being back to school, we learn something this time of year. learning something about oneself is the hardest and greatest part of any time of any year or month or date.

jil sander campaign 1996

it's a change in what we wear, (yes, even in 4-seasons-in-a-day Ireland there is a change come september) where you find you hold a jumper a little closer to your chest and squeeze it a little tighter round your shoulders, make sure you're buttoned all the way up; it makes way for winter woolies and boots and introduces the idea of  a darker evening and a reason to find a warm space to meet and hide.

september is ephemeral; like every month, it is different every year in what it brings...but the expectation and where we hold september with us is always with change, and something new.

this september i'll be…applecitaing the work of photographer sØlve sundsbØ and his recent collaboration with w magazine. very fitting to the theme of change 
and our changing idea of what beauty is. Watch the video of the installation here : http://vimeo.com/37253200

change in fashion now means raf simons will debut at dior while jil sander is back designing at her own label. i can't wait to see what each of them will do.. i loved raf's work at sander and jil will no doubt reprieve her role to her former glory.

raf simons at dior couture 

and change is visual in miike snow's video for animal. i love this song! i'm pushing the change thing now aren't i?...ok , over and out..

miike snow, animal